Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Partial Truth

I do not like to write - I like to have written. ~Gloria Steinem

While not 100% accurate for me, there is a measure of truth here. I do not always like to write, sometimes I want nothing more than to never think about bringing fingers to keyboard again. But I do like to have written something. Something that makes me smile or makes me think or even makes me delete 90% of it and start over again.

Writing, I have found, is not an easy undertaking. Or maybe that's because I'm the world's best procrastinator. I can find 673 things to do instead of sitting down to work on my novel. Including the laundry for our household of six (though to be fair, lately I'm having entirely too much fun using the new washer and dryer).

I want to tell the story(ies) inside of me. My characters beg me to let them out and play, often when I'm trying to fall asleep. But finding the motivation is often the hardest part.

Now, I have a new desk. Tucked away in the bedroom, away from the children and the noise. I will be able to take my laptop back with me and disappear into the minds of those I've presumably created. From now on, I treat my writing as my job, for at least a few hours a day. My story needs to be told and I'm the only one to tell it. My hope is that at the end of a couple of months from now, I'll have a completed manuscript so that I can begin the next step in the process of getting published.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Stephanie, You don't have an email listed with your account, so this is my only way of contacting you. I just wanted to thank you for sharing your birth stories on my Cesarean Courage post. I'm glad you recognize the courage that you hold inside of you. All the best! ~Avital
